Analyze Consumer Purchase Decisions Purebred Chicken Meat in Banjarbaru City: Factor Analysis Approach
Purebred chicken meat is the most consumed meat by the public among other types of protein. Purebred chicken meat is very easy to find on the market. In addition to the affordable price, purebred chicken meat is easy to process for various dishes used at home. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of purebred chicken meat consumers in Banjarbaru City and analyze the factors that affect the decision to purchase purebred chicken meat in Banjarbaru City. The research uses primary and secondary data. Primary data is taken from consumers who buy purebred chicken meat in the market. Secondary data was taken from the Central Statistics Agency of South Kalimantan Province and the South Kalimantan Plantation and Livestock Office. Factor analysis was used to see the correlation between variables; namely, as many as 28 variables were used to see the correlation. The results of the study show that most consumers are women (85.93%), with housewives as the most buyers (30%) in the age range of 21–30 years, the last education is high school/equivalent (50%), with the highest expenditure of <Rp 2,000,000 (50%). The frequency of chicken meat purchases on weekdays and holidays occurred 2–4 times (68.33%) and (50.83%). The decision to buy purebred chicken meat in the city of Banjarbaru is influenced by four factors, namely quality of service with an eigenvalue of 10.190 (36.39%), location factors with eigenvalues of 4.872 (17.40%), meat quality factors of 2.627 (9.38%) and price factors with eigenvalues of 1.854 (6.62%), which are combined (cumulative eigenvalues) to 69.79% explained about these four factors while 30.21% explained by factors outside the service (quality of service), location, meat quality and price.
Purebred chicken meat is one of the sources of animal protein at a relatively affordable price and is easy to find on the market. In addition to the affordable price, purebred chicken meat is easy to process for various dishes used in households or restaurants because the meat is tender and thick [1].
The protein needs of humans can be met by consuming foods such as chicken. The consumption of animal protein in Indonesia in 2020 was 21.29 g. This amount increased (1.14%) compared to 2019 when animal protein consumption was 21.05 g.
Animal and vegetable protein consumption in South Kalimantan Province is above the average Indonesian protein consumption. The average consumption from 2017–2021 in Indonesia was 62.16 g of protein/cap/day, and in South Kalimantan, it was 68.21 g of protein/cap/day. This amount is already above the daily protein requirement of 57 g of protein/cap/day (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Protein consumption per capita in Indonesia and South Kalimantan [2].
Population data in the city of Banjarbaru has increased from 2019 to 2022 from 237,445 people to 265,575 people as seen in Fig. 2. In 2019, the number of people in the city of Banjarbaru decreased from 2018 by 18,152 people. The condition of the increase in population has also increased consumption in the city of Banjarbaru, as well as met protein by consuming chicken. In addition to the increase in raw chicken shop outlets, ready-to-eat chicken in Banjarbaru City also contributes to the large number of chicken consumption by the community [8].
Purebred chicken meat production data has increased, but prices in the Bauntung Banjarbaru market are still experiencing high prices, making consumers switch to frozen purebred chicken meat. In this case, purebred chicken meat is still not able to provide satisfaction in terms of price in the city of Banjarbaru. The price of chicken meat on weekdays and weekends also tends to be different; prices on weekends tend to increase due to the large demand for purebred chicken meat. Rising prices always occur at the beginning of the year, and during Eid, prices decrease according to availability and demand.
The protein needs that have been met by consumers by consuming chicken meat make researchers want to analyze consumer decisions in purchasing purebred chicken meat; many factors make consumers choose to make chicken meat the main choice as contained in the marketing mix (7p) Price, Place, Product, Promotion, People, Process, Physical Evidence. The analysis that will be used is a factor analysis so that the main factor can be found, which is that consumers choose purebred chicken meat to meet protein needs with purebred chicken meat.
Research Objectives
The objectives of the study are:
- To analyze the characteristics of purebred chicken meat consumers in Banjarbaru City.
- To analyze the factors that affect the decision to purchase purebred chicken meat in Banjarbaru City.
Research Methods
Place and Time of Research
The research was conducted in Banjarbaru City, South Kalimantan Province. The research was carried out in January–June 2024, starting from the preparation stage of journal search, making proposals, and collecting data to the stage of preparing reports.
Types and Data Sources
The types and sources of data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. Primary data is data collected directly from respondents using the questionnaire provided. Primary data was collected from the Banjarbaru Bauntung Market and several chicken sellers on the side of the road. Secondary data were taken from the Central Statistics Agency of South Kalimantan Province, the South Kalimantan Plantation and Livestock Office, other related agencies, and related references from the internet related to the research.
Sampling Method
The method of research uses the non-probability sampling method; namely, the population taken is not all sampled with the same probability. Respondents were taken with a minimum age of 17 years and were considered able to provide answers in accordance with the questionnaire. The sample taken was 120 people; the researcher asked buyers of fresh purebred chicken meat at the Banjarbaru Bauntung market and buyers of purebred chicken meat on the roadside.
Data Analysis
The first objective is to analyze the characteristics of purebred chicken meat consumers in Banjarbaru City using descriptive analysis. To answer the second goal is to use factor analysis to determine factors in consumer decisions in buying purebred chicken meat in the city of Banjarbaru.
Factor analysis is carried out with steps, namely: Identify data Data collection based on variables Correlation matrix testing Conduct Kaiser Meyer Olkin (KMO) testing by determining the eligible variable (KMO >0.5). The Bartlett Test is used to test matrices with a significance of < 0.5. After that, an anti-image matrix test was carried out by looking at anti-image correlation. On anti-image correlation Measure Sampling Adequacy (MSA> 0.5). Determine many factors of the variables that are formed Based on Eigenvalues Based on Scree plot Factor rotation is carried out if there are variables that are doubtful of which factor in the component matrix test. The method used is varimax rotation.
Results and Discussion
Characteristics Respondent
The decision to buy purebred chicken meat in Banjarbaru City took data from 120 respondents. Among the respondents characteristics that can be identified or adjusted to the number of purchases purchased by the respondents. The characteristics of the respondents provide an overview of age, gender, occupation, and recent education (Table I).
Responsive features | Number (people) | Percentage (%) |
Gender | ||
Woman | 103 | 85.83 |
Man | 17 | 14.17 |
Age (years) | ||
<20 | 10 | 8.3 |
21–30 | 55 | 45.8 |
31–40 | 21 | 17.5 |
41–50 | 19 | 15.8 |
>51 | 15 | 12.5 |
Work | ||
Student | 28 | 23.33 |
PNS | 6 | 5.00 |
Self-employed/Entrepreneur | 8 | 6.67 |
Housewives | 36 | 30.00 |
Honor | 8 | 6.67 |
Merchant | 10 | 8.33 |
Freelance | 3 | 2.50 |
Private | 10 | 8.33 |
Retired civil servants | 4 | 3.33 |
Other | 7 | 5.83 |
Last education | ||
Not in school | 1 | 0.83 |
Elementary school/Equivalent | 9 | 7.50 |
Junior high school/Equivalent | 6 | 5.00 |
High school/Equivalent | 60 | 50.0 |
Diploma | 5 | 4.17 |
Bachelor | 37 | 30.83 |
Postgraduate | 2 | 1.67 |
Monthly expenditure | ||
<Rp 2,000,000 | 60 | 50.00 |
IDR 2,000,000–IDR 3,000,000 | 30 | 25.00 |
IDR 3,000,000–IDR 4,000,000 | 26 | 21.67 |
>Rp 4,000,000 | 4 | 3.33 |
Number of family members | ||
1–3 people | 31 | 25.83 |
3–5 people | 70 | 58.33 |
5–6 people | 10 | 8.33 |
>6 people | 9 | 7.50 |
Total | 120 | 100 |
Gender determines the purchasing decision of consumers to buy purebred chicken meat. The purchase of purebred chicken meat in the market is more dominated by women. Based on respondents in the field, women bought more purebred chicken meat for as many as 103 people (85.83%), and men bought purebred chicken meat for as many as 17 people (14.17%). Men who buy purebred chicken meat at the market for their own food needs or are requested by parents/wives who buy purebred chicken meat to the market or chicken meat stalls.
Most of the respondents were in the age group of 21–30 years, which was 55 people (45.8%). Respondents of purebred chicken meat are dominated by housewives and students who go to the Bauntung market in Banjarbaru. Respondents aged 31–40 years occupied the second highest number, namely 21 people (17.5%). At this age, respondents were still of productive age to go to the market to buy their family’s food needs. The age of <20 years is the least number of respondents, namely 10 people (8.3%), which is dominated by students who buy purebred chicken meat.
Housewives were the most numerous respondents in this study, 36 people (30%). Housewives more often buy necessities at the market to meet their daily needs, which can be bought on weekdays or weekends. Students were the second largest number of respondents who bought, namely 28 people (23.3%).
Last Education
The last education of the highest respondents was in high school/equivalent, which was 60 people (50%). A total of 28 people (23.3%) who are students entered the last education of high school/equivalent. Bachelors ranked second, namely 37 people (30.83%). There were two postgraduate graduates and one person who did not attend school who were respondents in this study.
Monthly Expenses
Monthly expenditure for the consumption of purebred chicken meat by the people of Banjarbaru, especially from the respondents, is <Rp 2,000,000 with a total of 60 people (50%); in this category, it is enough to meet the needs of food and housing for 1–3 people. In the expenditure of Rp 2,000,000–Rp 3,000,000, there are 30 people (25%). This result states that the average expenditure for those who have a family of 1 child and is dominated by civil servants, private or self-employed.
Number of Family Members
The number of family members living with the respondents was the highest at 3–5 people, namely 70 respondents (58.33%). This number contains fathers, mothers, and 2–3 children or with parents of fathers or mothers (grandmothers or grandfathers). The number of second family members was 1–3 people, with 31 respondents (25.83%) and the least >6 people, namely nine people (7.50%).
Number of Chicken Meat Purchases
Purchase Frequency (Weekdays)
The amount of purebred chicken meat purchased on weekdays means that the purchase of purebred chicken meat purchased on weekdays is at the need to eat three times a day. The amount of chicken meat purchased will then be cooked for consumption in terms of households.
Regarding the frequency of purchases on weekdays, respondents buy more than 2–4 times per month (68.33%), such as civil servants buying purebred chicken meat on Saturdays/Sundays (weekends) and some students who buy purebred chicken meat on holidays at the market. Housewives who buy chicken meat to the market more often 4–6 times (20.83%) in a month or >6 times (10.83%) adjust household needs (Fig. 3).
Fig. 3. Weekday purchase frequency.
Frequency of Purchases on Holidays
During fasting, respondents buy more purebred chicken meat 2–4 times/month on weekdays with a lower percentage (50.83%). Respondents who bought purebred chicken meat 4–6 times increased to 43.33%. Judging from this pattern, respondents who buy purebred chicken meat in Banjarbaru City are more likely to buy chicken meat 4–6 times.
Respondents (Fig. 4) who bought purebred chicken meat >6 times were seven people (5.83%). Judging from this pattern, respondents who buy purebred chicken meat in Banjarbaru City are more likely to buy chicken meat 4–6 times, such as during fasting; some hold iftar together and share with others so that the purchase becomes 4–6 times a month. However, some of the respondents said they bought less purebred chicken meat because they consumed less heavy food and consumed more sweet foods during fasting. Respondents who bought purebred chicken meat >6 times were seven people (5.83%).
Fig. 4. Holiday purchase frequency.
Reasons for Consuming Chicken Meat
Purebred chicken meat is considered a food that has high protein and is enough to meet the nutritional needs of those who eat it. One of the respondents said that he consumed chicken meat for gym intake (exercise) so that he could build muscle by consuming purebred chicken meat in Fig. 5. The people of Banjarbaru consume purebred chicken meat based on a variety of side dishes. As many as 47 respondents (39%) show that purebred chicken meat is consumed for a variety of side dishes with other side dishes that contain protein, such as eggs and fish. Easy to obtain is the second reason stated by the respondents, namely 44 respondents (37%). However, only eight people (7%) in Banjarbaru choose chicken meat for consumption because it is nutritious.
Fig. 5. Reasons for consuming chicken meat.
Chicken is the choice in consumer purchase decisions, such as purebred chicken meat. The thigh part is preferred by consumers, namely 68 people (56.67%), considering that their children like chicken and that it is usually processed by frying. For example, in the chicken breast, as many as 40 people (33.33%), there will be more meat suitable for consumers who do not like bones; chicken breast is suitable for fillets, chicken katsu, or used as meatballs.
Purebred Chicken Meat Consumer Purchase Decision
The variables used in this study are 28 items submitted through a questionnaire, which are then selected according to the respondents’ choice. Before entering the factor analysis, the variables must be tested for reliability with SPSS 23. Based on reliability tests on 28 items, Cronbach’s alpha value was obtained of 0.929. This data has illustrated a correlation between variables of 92.9% (Table II).
Cronbach’s alpha | Number of items |
0.929 | 28 |
KMO and Barrlet’s Test tests were carried out. The KMO test is said to be feasible if it is >0.5 and Barlett’s test is <0.5. Based on the KMO Test and Bartlett’s Test, the KMO test is above 0.793. The results of this test show that the KMO test is worth enough to continue in the next test. The Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity is 3215.504 with a df (degree of freedom) of 0.378 and a significance of 0.0000 (Table III).
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy. | 0.793 | |
Bartlett’s test of sphericity | Approx. Chi-Square | 3215.504 |
df | 378 | |
Sig. | 0.000 |
Anti-image correlation or MSA (Measure of Sampling Adequacy) testing was carried out to determine feasible variables to proceed to the next stage with the condition that the MSA >0.5. The test results showed that the variable tested was >0.5.
The eigenvalues can be seen from the Total Variance Explained (Table IV). The eigenvalues are explained in the initial eigenvalues that are formed, namely 4 factors (quality of service factor of 10.190, location factor of 4.872, meat quality factor of 2.627, and price factor of 1.54) with a cumulative eigenvalue of 69.79%.
Component | Initial eigenvalus | Extraction sums of squared loadings | Rotation sums of squared loadings | ||||||
Total | % of variance | Cumulative % | Total | % of variance | Cumulative % | Total | % of variance | Cumulative % | |
1 | 10.190 | 36.393 | 36.393 | 10.190 | 36.393 | 36.393 | 7.218 | 25.777 | 25.777 |
2 | 4.872 | 17.402 | 53.794 | 4.872 | 17.402 | 53.794 | 6.073 | 21.689 | 47.466 |
3 | 2.627 | 9.383 | 63.178 | 2.627 | 9.383 | 63.178 | 3.377 | 12.061 | 59.527 |
4 | 1.854 | 6.620 | 69.798 | 1.854 | 6.620 | 69.798 | 2.876 | 10.271 | 69.798 |
5 | 0.996 | 3.556 | 73.354 | ||||||
6 | 0.961 | 3.433 | 76.787 | ||||||
7 | 0.816 | 2.913 | 79.700 | ||||||
8 | 0.738 | 2.636 | 82.335 | ||||||
9 | 0.633 | 2.259 | 84.595 | ||||||
10 | 0.520 | 1.857 | 86.452 | ||||||
11 | 0.476 | 1.701 | 88.153 | ||||||
12 | 0.451 | 1.612 | 89.765 | ||||||
13 | 0.423 | 1.512 | 91.277 | ||||||
14 | 0.408 | 1.458 | 92.735 | ||||||
15 | 0.342 | 1.223 | 93.957 | ||||||
16 | 0.258 | 0.920 | 94.877 | ||||||
17 | 0.247 | 0.883 | 95.760 | ||||||
18 | 0.204 | 0.729 | 96.490 | ||||||
19 | 0.172 | 0.616 | 97.105 | ||||||
20 | 0.156 | 0.555 | 97.661 | ||||||
21 | 0.149 | 0.530 | 98.191 | ||||||
22 | 0.124 | 0.444 | 98.635 | ||||||
23 | 0.106 | 0.378 | 99.014 | ||||||
24 | 0.084 | 0.299 | 99.313 | ||||||
25 | 0.071 | 0.255 | 99.567 | ||||||
26 | 0.049 | 0.176 | 99.744 | ||||||
27 | 0.041 | 0.148 | 99.891 | ||||||
28 | 0.030 | 0.109 | 100.000 |
The eigenvalue value can also be seen through the scree plot (Fig. 6). A plot scree is a graph that shows the overall value of the factors that are formed. The provision of eigenvalue >1 is included in a set of factors, and the eigenvalue value <1 is not included in the factor.
Fig. 6. Scree plot.
Next, the Component Matrix test was carried out by showing the results of the correlation of the variables that make up the factor. In this study,the component matrix is still not clearly visible, so it is continued with the Rotated Component Matrix test (varimax method) (Table V).
Rotated component matrixa | ||||
Component | ||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
A13 | 0.887* | 0.108 | 0.162 | 0.106 |
A8 | 0.874* | 0.138 | 0.121 | 0.021 |
A25 | 0.863* | 0.124 | 0.056 | −0.063 |
A5 | 0.838* | 0.169 | 0.123 | 0.032 |
A16 | 0.838* | 0.139 | 0.180 | 0.142 |
A20 | 0.794* | 0.054 | 0.155 | 0.104 |
A17 | 0.746* | 0.086 | 0.247 | 0.109 |
A14 | 0.725* | 0.124 | 0.206 | 0.173 |
A21 | 0.628* | 0.223 | 0.390 | 0.146 |
A15 | 0.592* | 0.159 | 0.474 | 0.128 |
A26 | 0.573* | 0.146 | 0.315 | 0.183 |
A18 | 0.156 | 0.885* | 0.030 | 0.035 |
A27 | 0.075 | 0.863* | 0.034 | 0.025 |
A23 | 0.121 | 0.838* | 0.003 | −0.039 |
A9 | 0.077 | 0.822* | 0.098 | 0.116 |
A22 | 0.254 | 0.813* | −0.189 | 0.011 |
A28 | 0.148 | 0.796* | −0.013 | −0.028 |
A19 | 0.300 | 0.790* | −0.112 | 0.050 |
A10 | −0.001 | 0.785* | 0.212 | 0.132 |
A2 | 0.025 | 0.627* | 0.217 | 0.070 |
A6 | 0.383 | 0.042 | 0.814* | 0.146 |
A4 | 0.325 | 0.034 | 0.765* | 0.033 |
A1 | 0.307 | 0.003 | 0.760* | 0.029 |
A3 | 0.184 | 0.037 | 0.702* | 0.166 |
A11 | 0.264 | 0.013 | −0.003 | 0.841* |
A12 | 0.105 | 0.087 | 0.254 | 0.810* |
A24 | 0.202 | 0.109 | −0.099 | 0.802* |
A7 | −0.063 | 0.025 | 0.370 | 0.786* |
Based on the four factors that are formed, they are detailed as follows:
1. Quality of Service: The first factor formed is the quality of service with eleven indicator variables. This factor was formed with the largest eigenvalue of 10.190 with an explained variance of 36.39%, meaning 36.39%, which can be explained by factor 1, which states the quality of service in the decision to purchase purebred chicken meat in the city of Banjarbaru (Table VI).
Variable | Loading value |
A13: Friendly traders | 0.887 |
A8: Availability of purebred chicken meat | 0.874 |
A25: The chicken meat sold is always clean and fresh | 0.863 |
A5: Traders are quick to serve consumers | 0.838 |
A16: The seller gives tips on processing and cooking recipes | 0.838 |
A20: There is a return policy | 0.794 |
A17: Traders sell with consistent quality | 0.746 |
A14: Availability of home delivery service | 0.725 |
A21: Trader’s knowledge and speed in providing information | 0.628 |
A15: Ease of transaction | 0.592 |
A26: Halal purebred chicken meat | 0.573 |
A13 buys chicken at friendly merchants and asks customers about their needs. Consumers like traders who ask consumers what they need when shopping, in terms of how many pieces they want to cut, to cook what this chicken is so that it is more suitable when buying the part.
The availability of purebred chicken meat (A8) and the existence of markets and chicken sellers everywhere make consumers comfortable choosing a place to buy, especially because the number of chickens available is near consumers’ homes, so they don’t need to buy far to get purebred chicken meat.
Service basically provides an assessment in terms of first experience to traders. When consumers feel appreciated when they first buy, there is an opportunity to use it as a subscription for consumers to buy back purebred chicken meat. Basically, buying purebred chicken meat is indeed a need from consumers, but it is seen again from the trader’s side in terms of quality of service.
2. Location Factor: The existence of location is the second factor that is formed. Location has a great influence on the purchase of purebred chicken meat, especially if consumers have subscribed to the merchant so that they can buy again in the same place (Table VII).
Variable | Loading value |
A18: Physical place of traders | 0.885 |
A27: Easy-to-find merchant location | 0.863 |
A23: In-person interaction process | 0.838 |
A9: Easy access to transportation to merchants | 0.822 |
A22: Adequate infrastructure such as road conditions | 0.813 |
A28: Neat arrangement of purebred chicken meat | 0.796 |
A19: Parking facilities are available | 0.790 |
A10: Purebred chicken meat for sale is close to the community | 0.785 |
A2: The influence of the trader’s location such as weather and humidity affects the freshness of purebred chicken meat | 0.627 |
- Physical place of the trader (A18): The existence of sellers who can be seen directly makes consumers choose to buy purebred chicken meat.
- Easy-to-find merchant location (A27): Consumers choose to buy purebred chicken meat in locations that are easy to find.
- Parking facilities are available (A19), and Chicken meat sold near the community center (A10): Traders who sell near the community are more in demand to be bought by consumers. Consumers will choose chicken meat vendors around their homes.
Based on the location of the meat sold is determined in terms of cleanliness. Sellers in the Bauntung market will be more protected from road dust or motorcycles than chickens sold on the side of the road. The dust attached to the chicken is invisible to the naked eye, but it makes consumers, when cleaning and cooking, more careful in cooking. Then, the presence of flies in purebred chicken meat makes consumers not interested in buying purebred chicken meat at the trader, so the location of the trader determines the quality and quality of the chicken purchased outside of the chicken freshness factor.
3. Meat Quality Factor: Purebred chicken meat is a favorite food for people of all ages. Quality affects the consumption of chicken meat or other products (Table VIII).
Variable | Loading value |
A6: Freshness | 0.814 |
A4: Aroma | 0.765 |
A1: Color | 0.760 |
A3: Blank quote | 0.702 |
- Freshness (A6): The freshness of the chicken will affect the quality of purebred chicken meat.
- Aroma (A4): Purebred chicken meat has a distinctive smell when compared to other meats. After purebred chicken meat is cooked and eaten, consumers prefer it, especially among children and college students who like purebred chicken meat.
- Color (A1): Purebred chicken meat has a bright or pale color. Fresh colors will affect consumers’ views in buying purebred chicken meat more than the pale color of chicken meat.
- Taste (A4): Based on the opinion of consumers of purebred chicken meat, they have their own interest in the chicken meat they consume. Purebred chickens that are more tender make the taste of any dish can be enjoyed with purebred chicken meat.
Based on four quality variables that include freshness, aroma of chicken meat, color of chicken meat, and taste, it shows that consumers attach importance to quality in purchasing purebred chicken meat, which is explained at an initial eigenvalue of 9.38%
4. Price Factors: The fourth factor is price; based on the variables that are formed, the price will affect the purchase of purebred chicken meat; the purchase of purebred chicken meat purchased by consumers is in accordance with the price they pay (Table IX).
Variable | Loading value |
A11: Income level | 0.841 |
A12: Size/weight of chicken meat | 0.810 |
A24: There is a discount | 0.802 |
A7: The price affects the purchase amount of purebred chicken meat | 0.786 |
- Income level (A11): Consumers will buy chicken meat according to the amount of income earned and allocate money for staple foods, household needs, and entertainment. The needs purchased must be in accordance with the amount of income so that there is no bigger stake than the pole. Consumers chose to buy chicken meat with standard quality (not fresh and not pale) as many as 64 people (53.33%) and chose expensive prices with fresh chicken as many as 56 people (46.67%). Consumers prefer purebred chicken meat at low prices and with standard quality; this adjusts to the needs for budgeted expenses by the consumers themselves, who state that the money they spend is in accordance with the quality of the chicken they get.
- Size/weight of chicken meat (A12): The purchase of purebred chicken meat is measured based on the size of the weight or size of purebred chicken meat. Large chicken meat is usually more expensive than the size of small-sized purebred chicken meat and is one of the variables that are included in the price factor.
- The existence of a discount (A24): For traders who buy purebred chicken meat by providing offers will make consumers comfortable when shopping and allow consumers to come back to buy chicken meat in the same place.
- Price affects the number of purebred chicken meat purchases (A7): The purchase of purebred chicken meat is influenced by the price offered by consumers. Consumers chose standard prices with medium meat sizes for as many as 88 people (73.33%), expensive prices for large meat for 20 people (16.67%), and low prices with small meat sizes for 12 people (10%).
Conclusions and Suggestions
The conclusions of this study are:
- Women dominate the purchase of purebred chicken meat, and housewives are the most buyers in the age range of 21–30 years. The last education of consumers is high school/equivalent, with expenses to buy purebred chicken meat, namely.
- The decision to buy purebred chicken meat in the city of Banjarbaru is influenced by four factors, namely the quality of service, location factor, meat quality factor (product), and price factor (price).
The suggestions of this research are:
- The friendliness of traders makes consumers feel comfortable shopping for purebred chicken meat, with traders who pay attention to the number of available chickens sold so that consumers feel satisfied shopping by fulfilling the services offered by traders.
- A clean location makes the quality of the chicken meat sold, so the government must maintain the cleanliness of the location so that the quality of the meat sold can be maintained, and it is expected that traders always maintain the cleanliness of the trade stalls.
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