
Non-meat ingredients are used to impart flavor, slow bacterial growth, and increase the yield of the sausage production. To study the quality of chicken sausage incorporated with non-meat ingredients namely, soy protein powder, non-fat milk powder and potato starch at the rate of 2% (w/w) concentration. Sausage samples were analyzed for physical, nutritional, and sensory properties during refrigerated storage at -4 ℃. The nutritional, physical and sensory characteristics were analyzed, at day 1, week 1, week 2 and week 3 of storage. Moisture, ash, dry matter, fat, pH, texture, and color were significantly difference (p<0.05) among the treatments at day one. During storage the ash, pH content and dry matter content were significantly (p<0.05) increased, and fat content and moisture content was significantly (p<0.05) decreased storage period. At week one, the higher hardness value showed in soy protein powder incorporated chicken sausage and least value showed in without added non-meat ingredient (control) sausage. As results of organoleptic characteristics revealed that, 2% of potato starch incorporated chicken sausage had the highest mean score of overall quality of all sensorial properties namely, color, taste, texture, flavor, and overall acceptability.


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